Sep 13, 2015

Response paper 1

  Unexpected and unequal time rapid is unique feature of <Inception>.  At first time as I saw the movie, I was kind of confused to follow the flow. And then, I was wondering what was intended to twist the natural time sequence. In my opinion, this distortion can emphasize the movie's topic: Dream that consists of multiple layers. Also, this dream has multiple points of view as mmorpg's area. Each character has own role in the dream, but the dream area is shared even if it is multi-floored. I want to discuss how the different time speeds operate in this movie's world.

Jul 17, 2015

어느 곳이든 마음놓고 쏟아낼 수 있는 여백이 있었으면 좋겠다는 생각을 자주 한다. 사실은 스스로에게 솔직하기 힘든 것이 아닐까, 라는 의문이 들 때도 있지만.